
Socio-political Change in the Public Sphere
What does the word “Europe” make you think of? Conceptualisations of Europe in a local context (Gemma Scalise)
Global citizenship and environmental education: Between politics and participation (Gabriella Calvano)
Political participation 2.0: Young citizens in the virtual agora between transparency and representation (Andrea Cassano)
The discursive construction of traditional belonging and social change in TV local broadcasting (Rosa Scardigno, Milena Marzano, Giuseppe Mininni)
Intercultural Approaches to Educational Change
Intercultural com¬petences: a central role for democracy. The Pestalozzi Programme Experimentation (Alberto Fornasari)
Identity: ethics of dignity (Indira Y. Junghare)
The contribution of pedagogy to the debate on social change (Luisa Santelli)
The food place of meeting and dialogue between cultures. The example of a training project carried out by “St. Benedict” Lyceum of Conversano (Bari – Italy) (Francisco Schino)
Romanian literary syntheses of the intercultural and trans-ideological dialogue. The avant-garde magazine Integral (Daniela Nagy)
Military Terminology and Communication
The proxemic code beyond the cultural connotations: Elements of human topology in military drill regulations (Adrian Lesenciuc, Ana-Maria Susan, Viana Popica, Ion-Teofil Crețu)
Comparative analysis of British and American military terminology (Cosmina Roman)